Friday, April 26, 2019

Stop Hiding My Fork!

Tonight, I was accused of hiding a fork!

No, really I was. I was cooking dinner. As usual, this house was in total chaos. My husband was complaining and yelling at everyone.  Him and our 19 year old son were fighting. I'm completely stressed out because of the problems our 10 year old has been having. I'm in pain and a nervous wreck. And, it's so bad that I had a panic attack while trying to cook.  I finally get dinner ready but there was just one problem.  We didn't have any of the forks my husband will use.

Now, I don't know what happens to the damn forks and spoons, but their constantly missing. And he will only use certain ones.  So I get the 9 year olds plate, and I get my plate, and I make sure that I take the forks that he doesn't like.  NOT GOOD ENOUGH! He walks up and looks, and proceeds to start cussing and raving that there are no forks.  Now there are forks, just not the kind that he will use.  He goes into both kids rooms searching for forks because he just knows one of them has them.  When he didn't find any, he comes back into the kitchen to continue his fit. At this point, he looks in the dish drainer and lo and behold, there was a fork.  He looks at me and says, where did you find this?  I said, I didn't.  I said that he was the one that did the dishes.  The man looks me in the eye and says, it wasn't there when I looked a few minutes ago.  He seriously thought I was hiding his fork.

But They Say I'm Crazy!